Archive for October, 2012

Okay I know I’ve been AFK a while now. It has been a hectic time, booth work and in private. But I’ve never made a promise that there would be a photo every day. Today’s photo is actually a photo taken by my Android phone. It was a great day at work, cold but sunny. The winter is not to far away now. There will be another break in photo upload for a couple of days now though I’m travelling to Riga, Latvia tomorrow. Be patient and more photos will come.

Sorry for not giving you a photo to look at yesterday, but some days are more hectic than others.

My lovely daughter sneaking around in my heart.

This summer we went to a place called Junibacken in Stockholm. There, among other things, you can find Pippi Longstockings house, Villa Villekulla. This photo is shoot in her kitchen. Our kids really loved that place, so if you visit, Stockholm, Sweden and you have kids please do visit.

We, my family and I, took a pit-stop of some sorts after a road-trip and of course the camera came in hand and photos was taken. This photo of a simple sign stood out in my album so I thought I would share it with you guys.


Any ideas for another theme you’d like?

My daughter is taking the leap. A bit unfocused but i like the feeling of the photo.

Our neighbor have rented the gymnasium at our local school every Sunday morning. Today I brought my camera trying to shoot some photos. This was one of them.