Archive for the ‘Details’ Category

Was trying to catch some rainfall. It wasn’t the easiest photo shoot I’ve done. But with a little effort in Adobe Lightroom  it worked. At least in my opinion.


I will show off another theme in a couple of days. Theme to come: Playground, Stay tuned for my next theme.

Okay, I told you there would be some new photos today. I wasn’t all too pleased with the composition of the photos and I forgot to bring the part to mount camera to the tripod. Anyway, this is some of the photos I would like to share with you from yesterdays trip.

First it’s an old barn I drive by almost everyday to work. I was hoping to come closer to it so that I could get some great shots from the inside and backside. I wasn’t wearing the right clothes for my mission so this is it.

Next in line we have a stream next to the barn making it hard for me to come closer. I did not know there was a stream in this place because it’s not visual from the road.

A bit disappointed I came to think about another place were I know it’s beautiful. But the sun was setting so I was in a hurry if I would have any natural light left for my shots. I was a little late, guess it was more awesome a few minutes earlier.

The last thing I did before driving home was to play around a bit with the camera.
And here is the result with some motion shooting.

That’s all folks! See you tomorrow again.

I actually have nothing to say regarding this photo, he was just so cute I couldn’t resist sharing him with you.

Hah, I can see you 🙂


This is a, for me, very describing photo were the older brother are stepping on his baby sisters toes. It’s a photo I like a lot, that’s why I share it with you all. Hope you like it as well.

I really do love my kids, even thou they can drive me nuts sometimes. 🙂


Another month, another photo
Tried out with some macro shooting. Must say I really miss having a macro objective. This was shoot with my canon EF-S 18-55mm. The result could have been much better with the right objective. I liked the spider thou.

This is a sculpture outside of my daytime job. It’s two pretty big metal-rings. We do them were I work. They are made mostly for bearings.  I’m not the one actually making them, I’m just the production planner in the ring mill at Ovako Tube & Ring AB.

Ovako keeps our world in motion

The last photo in this theme. Very similar to the previous photo. Maybe a bit boring, but I couldn’t decide which of them I would choose so my decision was to add them both. I hope you liked this theme. Tell me your thoughts.

Go to Wetterlings Axes


Check out the previous photos in this theme:
Glowing Hot
Sharp Edges

And tomorrow the blog will return to it’s normal incoherent self again.